Sunday, November 15, 2009

Survey: When you have really bad gas have you ever taken bets from your friends to see who could determine?

what you ate to cause the eruption?

Not that i would do such a thing, but have you?

And are you honest when one of em gets it right or do you give the money to the person you like the most?

Survey: When you have really bad gas have you ever taken bets from your friends to see who could determine?
Have you been watching Howard Stern reruns??

The had an amazing fart-sniffer-outer on the show.

Anywho, I do, I have, and I always give the money to the person with the biggest tatas... just like on Answers
Reply:I go for duration limits not smell and I am anxious to see if you take Munkey's advice on the Tata's thing.
Reply:i actually impress my friends with my gaseousness. i've got all these really great talents but none that i can put on a resume.

Reply:Icky! I don't pass gas b/c I'm a lady. My ex BF did that in the car once, I stopped on the highway and forced her to walk home. I wonder what ever happened to her
Reply:Steak farts are always extra yummy.

(I tell them all they are wrong and take the money on a bender)
Reply:I believe we've talked about you asking toot questions.
Reply:No butt sounds like a gas of a time. lol
Reply:LOL! No, never have, but that was funny.

Reply:Sorry.. I've never done that before.
Reply:No, I don't do that.

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