What would you do?
All things being equal, of course. Considering where you like them both and no one has done anything bad to you. These 2 just had a falling out. One was pressuring you to break off relations with the other one. What would you do?
Should a real friend ask you to choose between them and another friend?
Survey: If you have 2 friends who are no longer talking %26amp; one asked you to not be friends to the other one...?
I believe everybody should be dealt with by their own merits. You shouldn't turn against some one just because somebody asks you to. Especially if it's a friend.
And NO, a real friend shouldn't ask you to do this. Think about it. One week after you turn against her, they're friends again and talking about you for turning against her.
What I would do is ask them not to put me in the middle. I would let them know that they are both my friends and I will not turn against either one. If one wants to drop you as a friend for that, then she really isn't a friend anyway.
You might offer to be a middle-man (girl) and try to help them resolve their differences. But other than that, I would just stay out of it.
I hope this helps you out a bit. Good luck.
Reply:No a real friend wouldn't want to make you choose between friends. A real friend would only ask you not to talk about her and not to bring her around where you know she will be. She shouldn't ask you to choose between them when they have the problem together not you and the other friend.
I hope things work out to where you get to keep both of your friends or at the the most important one to you.
Reply:I mean people say o a real friend would never ask you to do that but sometimes they are so mad that they dont think straight. I would say that you should talk to that person and tell them that you cant do that and that you still want to be both of their friends but its up to her to decide. If she was a real friend she might think about it for a little bit but in the end she will see the errors of her ways.
Reply:Sounds like a jealous woman to me. And to answer your question NO ONE should be able to tell you who you can have as friends. Even being a mother I would NEVER tell my children who they can and cannot choose as their friends. They both have one or two that I don't particularly like, but if I trash them then THEY are the ones that they will gravitate to, so I keep my mouth shut and let them choose their own.
Reply:Grown ups don't take sides on petty issues. If the conflict suggests that one or the other of them is not trustworthy, you may need to consider if the friendship is valuable to you at all.
If this is not the case then I am with pretty much everyone else. A REAL friend wouldn't ask someone to choose.
Reply:that is very childish of your friend to try to make you choose...usually what people try to do to each other in high school. Don't get in the middle...tell your friend that she doesn't own you that you can be friends with who ever you please! if they are a real friend they will respect your decision. Besides you never know... they could be friends again next week and you would of caused drama with a friend for no reason!
Reply:a real friend wouldnt try to get u to choose or break off a friendship with someone else just because they dont get along with one another...
tell the friend thats trying to tell u to choose that u wont do that...youre allowed to have more than one friend and just because they dont get along doesnt mean u cant b friends with the both of them...
Reply:I would do this:
if u hav a problem with who i hang out just becuz u don't like her then u hav issues n ur not a true friend just becuz u hav issues with this girl doesn't mean that i do she is one of my best friends just ike u n if u hav a problem with me hanging out with her then u can deal with it so im not gonna stop associating with her
(thats wat i would say)
Reply:Your friend has to undersdtand that you need not be in the middle.
If she can't give you that choice then she really is not your friend.
I was in the same situation and I stayed friends w/ both of them just did not speak to them bout the other.
Reply:Tell your friend that asked you that that you're not going to not be friends with the other just because of them. You value both of the friendships and they shuld respect that. If they're making you choose then they're not a good friend. tell them that.
Reply:no...i always tell my friends i would never do that because even though we may be good friends, we dont have to have the same friends and definately not the same enemies...i can have my own opinions about people and if you dont like them, oh well.
Reply:I would tell the Teacher or another trusted adult. It's ok honey when you and your little friends grow up you will laugh about this, I promise.
Reply:They arent real friends if you have to decide.. Lay low and quit seeing this one who asked.
Reply:No they shouldn't and you shouldn't choose. They're both your friends if they want to argue that's between them.
Reply:no! I'd never choose! Just say, "That is between the two of you, please leave me out of it!"
Reply:explain your friend that the other is equally imp. to you..
Reply:are we talking High School here.....No a real friend would not ask that....
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