Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can a few people do this survey to help me out?

Okay, I am doing a report on the dangers of speeding and I would like it if everyone could help me out a little. Please repost this and send reply's to me (whether you know me or not) so that I can add it to my research as ANONYMOUS TIPS AND RESPONSES. No one will have their names displayed in my report and I will only be using the material I collect as complete survey form only...thanx. Oh, and if you want to ask people close to you to give you thier answers also please feel free and just send me thier answers also. Every little bit of information helps ans the more people I have fill this out, the better the statistics look. Thank you again. ~Jessika~

20 Simple questions

1) Do you ever speed?

2) What do you feel are the biggest dangers of speeding on highways?

3) What are your largest concerns of speeding on highways? {Not necessarily the same thing as your views on the dangers.}

4) How often do you speed?

5) What is your age?

6) How long have you had your drivers license...or do you have one at all?

7) Have you ever received a traffic ticket?

8) Have you ever been stopped for a traffic violation?

9) Are you male or female?

10) Do you wear a seatbelt?

11) Do you ever drive impaired?

12) Do many things distract your driving?

13) If yes to above; then what are a few of your common distractions?

14) Do you commonly drive alone or with friends?

15) Do you speed more if you are alone or if you have passengers?

16) How many "close calls" (to accidents) have you had due to speeding in one month?

17) Do you find that other drivers commonly drive more recklessly/dangerously than you?

18) At what time of day do you speed the most? {Afternoon, night, or times...whatever.}

19) Do you feel you have "control" of your vehicle and could handle any dangers that you may face?

20) What is one comment you have about the way you feel speeding on highways effects or concerns you?

Thank you very much for your time.

Can a few people do this survey to help me out?
1). I speed in parts of the downtown city and highways. My friend used to always say, "You gotta keep up with the flow of traffic otherwise you're going to get run over." I used to speed to however fast I wanted; but this changed when I sped past my own dad on the freeway and got busted by him. Since then, I speed only 5 over and he's ok with that.

2). One of the biggest dangers of speeding on highways is "tailgating." If a driver is tailgating another car too closely, this could create a disaster because the tailgator cannot see that well in front of him. I've heard and seen many reports on where a person followed too closely and rear-ended the vehicle in front of him.

3). The largest concerns of speeding on highways could potentially be the loss of a vehicle. If a driver has a blowout, loss of brakes, or any kind of technical failure, this itself could cause traffic collisions and more congestion.

4). Generally, I speed everyday. But in that case, it's typically just 5 MPH over the actual speed limit. I try however, follow the speed limits more in school zones, construction zones, or residential areas.

5). I'm 18.

6). I've had my driver's license for 1 year and 1/2.

7). No I have never received a traffic ticket.

8). I was stopped only once for crossing a triple barrier line to make a U-turn. The officer, however, was extremely nice and let me off with a warning.

9). I'm a male.

10). I always wear my seatbelt; plus, my car has no airbags.

11). I never drive impaired.

12). Not too many things distract me but there are a few.

13). Some things may distract me from driving, and this includes looking at other people's cars, changing my music, or even talking on the phone.

14). I commonly drive alone to wherever I go.

15). I tend to speed more when I'm alone; this is because I have no passengers "correcting" or "judging" me on how I drive.

16). There have been about 3 close calls that I have nearly had due to speeding. All of these occurred at rush hour when everyone is just rushing to get home.

17). Certainly. Everyday, I find people driving more dangerously and that reminds me that speeding can actually cost lives.

18). I speed in the afternoon. Because traffic is at its highest peak of congestion, it becomes a difficult task for police officers to "single" each driver out. Just stay with the flow is all I say.

19). I "feel" I have control but there are times when I nearly crashed when I gave it all I had.

20). I speed but mostly 5 over. On my local highway, people go 75+ MPH when the speed limit is actually 60. It's sad because little do people realize that speeding is more of a dangerous tactic than most other traffic problems.

teeth grinding

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