Monday, May 24, 2010

Can someone who smokes/has smoked take this survey?

Can you answer these questions for me? It's for school.

1. At what age did you start smoking?

2. What made you interested in smoking?

3. Were you pressured by friends, advertisements or family members to smoke?

4. What health information were you aware of at the time you started smoking? (like, did you know about all the diseases smoking can cause)

5. Have you ever tried to quit smoking? If yes, how long were you successful? What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of quitting?

6. What advice would you give teens today who might be thinking about smoking?

Can someone who smokes/has smoked take this survey?
1. At what age did you start smoking? 15

2. What made you interested in smoking? Friends

3. Were you pressured by friends, advertisements or family members to smoke? Was never pressured just curious

4. What health information were you aware of at the time you started smoking? (like, did you know about all the diseases smoking can cause) Most of them yes

5. Have you ever tried to quit smoking? If yes, how long were you successful? What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of quitting?

Yes I have and I succeeded for 9 months as I did it when I was pregnant. It's hard because I use them as stress relief and when I have alot on my mind and am thinking alot.

6. What advice would you give teens today who might be thinking about smoking?

Just don't do it. It's expensive among other things. It degrades your health badly, makes your teeth yellow and gives you wrinkles and it ruins your things aka burn marks in tons of things.
Reply:1. 16 2. friends did it. 3.yes, definately! 4.knew some, not much. it wouldnt have changed a thing. 5.yes for 5 yrs. not a day went by i didnt wish i could have one.... eventually i started again! 6. smoking is a choice thing. i suggest not to start cause it honestly does mess up your lungs! there is nothing in the world you can do or say to teen to make them not smoke. it is their choice whether they make a good choice or not, and friends do have the biggest influence.
Reply:1) 21

2) no clue; it just happened.

3) no pressure; it just sounded good at the time.

4) Knew all the info and did it anyway.

5) It is the one thing I am continually doing and I REALLY need to get it done!

6) Don't start. You may think it won't get you, that you won't get addicted, but you will. Nicotine is the only thing found that the addiction cannot be broken. Just don't start to begin with; it WILL kill you, slowly and painfully.

I am 47 and am still trying to quit.
Reply:1. At what age did you start smoking? 14/15

2. What made you interested in smoking? Increasing my perceived age

3. Were you pressured by friends, advertisements or family members to smoke? No

4. What health information were you aware of at the time you started smoking? (like, did you know about all the diseases smoking can cause) I knew all the health stuff - yup

5. Have you ever tried to quit smoking? If yes, how long were you successful? What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of quitting? It's very hard to beat the craving when I have had a few alcoholic drinks - tho now it has been banned in public places here in Scotland I've stopped completely

6. What advice would you give teens today who might be thinking about smoking? You will smell - you will smell absolutely terrible and your skin wil be gray, your breath will be rancid and your fingers will turn yellow - I'd appeal to their VANITY! lol
Reply:1. 12

2. I wanted to look/act older

3. no

4. yes, I was well aware

5. Yes, I currently have quit smoking for about 3 months. At my job, i can get stressed out and want to take a "smoke break"

6. It won't make you happy or fit in better. You'll eventually regret it and want to quit.

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