Monday, May 24, 2010

Survey : Dad's job & spanking?

I've done a quick survey to friends and relatives and it seems that dads who worked in authority jobs (cops,teachers,lawyers,etc) used to spank more their kids.

My dad worked as a lawyer for instance and he used spanking as his main punishment.

If your dad spanked us, what did he do for a living?

Survey : Dad's job %26amp; spanking?
well my father was not a lawyer or a cop or a teacher. He was a mechanist . I don't know if that the right spelling? Anyways he made tools.

He was from a family of 8 kids 6 boys and 2 girls, catholic upbringing.

Yeah he spanked us with the belt, yet our family just my sister and myself were spanked. Our family was not religious but had some knowledge of it from our grandmother.

I think it's because his family's strong upbringing flowed into our raising.

Needless to say I don't spank my kids with a belt, but they get a spanking when it's due. (on the butt)

Most of the time I try not do this because it only teaches them to hit back.

Yes, my father over used this authority and spanked my sister until she had blisters, but that's when my dad stopped spanking because he realized he went to far. I still have that memory as a scar so I try not to let it be through me passed down to my kids.
Reply:I kinda think whether kids get spanked depends more on culture and country rather than parent's occupation ... though now, in so many countries, maybe dad needs to be a lawyer in order to know how to give your/our butt a good licking and yet not get thrown in jail for doing it.

Reply:my father never did the spanking, my mother did, of course you have to be around in order to do the spanking. my father is in the military.
Reply:My dad was a carpenter and my mom worked in a factory and they both spanked us. I'm 30yrs old and I totally believe in spanking, kids now are spoiled and don't know what it's like to work for things.
Reply:My father was a grazier and he NEVER spanked me. On the other hand, my mother was a housewife, and she flogged hell out of me until I was 17 1/2. Nice person.....not.
Reply:My dad is both a lawyer and a colonel the military and he's never laid a hand on me or my brother.
Reply:My dad spanked us on on rare occasions and he was a lineman for a phone company.
Reply:my father was an Electrical Engineer and he spanked us at every opportunity, then again he is an alcoholic too
Reply:Ummm, I don't think my dad spanked you guys!
Reply:My dad spanked us.He was in construction
Reply:my dad neat my @ss- he ran his own business. i spank my kids because sometimes thats what you have to do.
Reply:my father never laid a hand on us when we were growing up

he worked in a office..

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