Thursday, May 20, 2010

If your friends kitchen was filthy and they cooked in it would you stay for dinner (poll survey)?

its more like a junk house

If your friends kitchen was filthy and they cooked in it would you stay for dinner (poll survey)?
Yes,I wouldn't be a friggin rude guest. But I guess if you are pretentious enough to call yourself chef when you aren't really one, it doesn't really apply to you.
Reply:For me it would be a matter of if the friend is filthy as in they dont take a bath or wash their hands while they sisters kitchen is filthy but I know that she is not dirty herself so yes I eat there shes an awesome cook.

Believe me Ive seen people who start cooking and havent washed their hands and they have long nails ewwww...forget about that.
Reply:If it's just cluttered, sure! I'd be right at home. If it's really dirty and germy, I would pretend to come down with a sudden stomach virus and rush home to keep from passing it on to them!
Reply:i try not to...i make excuses ....a persons personality is defined by their kitchen and bathroom....and if its dirty..i would keep far from their house
Reply:I was thinking to help them clean it too, but I just remembered how much I despise cleaning, so I'd probably just make a polite, white-lie style excuse and depart.
Reply:no , Ive had food poisoning enough times already . ptomaine , salmonella , e coli , etc .
Reply:no.i have a phobia about a dirty house.
Reply:I'd say I got to go save my Panther it got stuck by Indians in Russia, and then I would go run out and not come back for 4 weeks.
Reply:i dont care. i'd stay. i aint gonna be rude.
Reply:Honestly I will prefer to live without dinner.
Reply:No, something could have fell inside it while they were cooking.
Reply:I will stay there if I am that hungry.
Reply:no, i value my health.

that's not to say I would tell them that, I would make some excuse to leave.
Reply:No way in hell. There is nothing worse than a filthy house!!! Ick!
Reply:Yeh, it's happened lol
Reply:Look, I have 5 kids, I told you No one has ever gotten poisoned!!!
Reply:No, I have left restaurants and houses that were not clean.
Reply:No way.

are we talking bugs at this house.....................
Reply:I would leave - quickly. And never invite them to my house.
Reply:Oh h3ll no!!!! I don't play that sh*t!!!
Reply:hellz to the naw
Reply:no it would gross me out
Reply:ya, as long as they dont cook with the dirty stuff
Reply:no nay never
Reply:no, id just tell them 2 clean it
Reply:no...i will politely or leave or tell her to clean it
Reply:yes, i dont want to be rude.
Reply:i'd probably get up and clean it!

teeth cleaning

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