Monday, May 24, 2010

What are good survey questions?

I want to create a fun survey for my friends to take. You know, questions that would promt fun and or funny responses. Any ideas?

What are good survey questions?
I think you already have the fun survey right now.. LOL.
Reply:Ask them about daily life things.....
Reply:1)If you could make it so that everyone in the world could only wear one color, what would it be?

2)What is your favorite candy and how do you eat it?

That's all I've got...GL
Reply:idk %26amp; dc
Reply:Try creating a survey of someone famously funny like ....

"WEIRD AL" Yankovic

Ray Stevens

Dr. Demento

Eddie Murphy

Adam Sandler

Leslie Nielsen

Tim "The Toolman Taylor" Allen

Mel Brooks

Ben Stiller
Reply:Why is Santa's suit red? Where are my meds? Why is it when your nose is drippy it's called running a nose doesn't actually run does it? When was the last time your boyfriend/husband painted your toenails for you? Name something fun to do with the same sex. Who's going to win the Superbowl? Who's going to watch the Superbowl but just watch it for the commercials? Why can't you eat just one potato chip once you start eating them? That's all I can think of right now.
Reply:Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Reply:If you had to chose being able to be invisible or being able to fly which would you chose and why? This question though "fun" actually says a lot about one's personality

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