Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey (we add that a lot in P&S) Will the good folks of R&P be dismayed when my GOOFBALL friends > > >

come to R%26amp;P answering the questions I've either asked or starred?

Bunch of " Know Nothings!"


Survey (we add that a lot in P%26amp;S) Will the good folks of R%26amp;P be dismayed when my GOOFBALL friends %26gt; %26gt; %26gt;
The opposite happens for me, when I go into P%26amp;S, I drag with me a bunch of R%26amp;P buddies. Seems like we all move in herds ;0 )


Cinnamon: A TAD loony? What is your definition of tad?
Reply:HAELL NO! We'll set the pace and liven it up for them!
Reply:yupp u will be thrown outta there stick to PnS people are much nicer here :)
Reply:That's what makes it so much fun!

I was reading and answering a question the other day and saw a bunch of familiar faces on it, but then realized it wasn't at all about R%26amp;P and went back to look. It was a Philosophy question that someone had starred and everyone had picked up on.

Yea! for cross-pollination! Otherwise we get a little too inbred.
Reply:MAN why would you drag me out of p%26amp;s like this ......i gotta go
Reply:You can't lead me astray like that...


p.s... congrats on your top contributor badge!
Reply:heck,i love rock so i guess i can come here!:)

goofball friends?hmmm!!:)
Reply:Nahhhhh...they will LOVE us!! How can they NOT? We are the most incredible, well educated bunch of folks on Yahoo!!

Next thing you know, they will be converting over to P%26amp;S just to get more of us!

Sandy :O)
Reply:we accept all. thats why i call us the "heinz 57" group.

all kinds of varietys here...
Reply:I don't just know nothing... I know a lot of nothing! So, there! =P


I cant hear myself think in the Pet section.
Reply:Oh we're all goofballs here buddy, hehe.

Deep down we're all a tad loony.


-laughs hysterically-


edit, Sarah; a tad = a little/slightly.
Reply:Why heck no.. more the merrier.. might give me a chance to meet some more people.
Reply:Cheese? Isn't that sort of gross for a cow to eat cheese?
Reply:Not that R%26amp;P doesn't have it's share of goofballs, it sure is a crazed melting pot going on over the in P%26amp;S. I'd say there might be a few of us here in R%26amp;P that cut our Y!A teeth over there and occasionally revisit for some deja vu.

There's times when I feel comfortably numb in a "Know Nothing" environment. ☺
Reply:I like cheese!!!
Reply:Wait a minute, what section am I in?

teeth bleaching

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