Monday, May 11, 2009

Survey: Does it ever worry your friends and family that you're "In Charge" of something at work?

More than my friends and family, it worries the crap out of my coworkers. One once asked another "Is he really the Director? Why does he talk like a pirate?"

Survey: Does it ever worry your friends and family that you're "In Charge" of something at work?
Oh yeah. When I was doing social work everyone was hard on me b/c I look so young and am such a goof ball. After my little bro heard about some of the calls I had to make at work he started calling me 'The Iron Fist'...

Yeah...I know a lot of people that wouldn't let me take care of a cat, never mind trust me iwth the stuff I had to do at work..
Reply:Guido's confused.

What's a work?
Reply:Yep...every day. They don't share the humor I have found in assisting with colonoscopies and hemorrhoid banding. They feel I should take it a little more seriously.
Reply:work.....i think alot more people \angels \aliens /and Andy are worried about me in charge of ????/.................and so am I
Reply:Nope, they just asked me more questions about whatever it is I'm so smart at being in charge of.
Reply:Worry them no. Shocks them yes.
Reply:Yes keep them worried all the time.

Especially when you can call the shots?
Reply:luckily for me my work is smart enough not to put me in charge of anything important.
Reply:Yes. Because they know it very well that i m expert in spoiling things.
Reply:They lay bets on me.

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