Monday, May 24, 2010

Can someone who smokes/has smoked take this survey?

Can you answer these questions for me? It's for school.

1. At what age did you start smoking?

2. What made you interested in smoking?

3. Were you pressured by friends, advertisements or family members to smoke?

4. What health information were you aware of at the time you started smoking? (like, did you know about all the diseases smoking can cause)

5. Have you ever tried to quit smoking? If yes, how long were you successful? What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of quitting?

6. What advice would you give teens today who might be thinking about smoking?

Can someone who smokes/has smoked take this survey?

my mom did it so i thought it was no big deal!



i quit for 6mos!I just can't quit!!!

please don't start!! You will eventually hate it!! i'm 32 %26amp; i curse the day i ever started this awful habit!! I can't breath very good anymore i'm always hacking up stuff(yuk) it's neither cool or sexy when your spitting up gunk!!

2.because my boyfriend / friends was doing it

3.yes see in #2

4.yes i knew alot about it

5.yes i tried . and i did. it was a habit that was hard to stop will regret it later
Reply:1. 16

2. I was stressed at work and found a pack of cigs on the ground.

3. Probably, but I didn't notice it. I was actually embarrased to smoke in from of my smoking friends, so I hid it.

4. I knew that smoking was addictive, deadly and caused a variety of health problems. I also thought that I was immune to these problems.

5. I've quit at least 5 times. this time it's been 6 months. The most difficult aspect of quitting is believing it's possible to quit.

6. Know what you are doing. Know that smoking makes you age badly (vanity is a strong lever). Know that quitting is hard, and you probably don't know you're getting hooked. Know how much it costs to smoke. Then decide for yourself.
Reply:1. 12

2. I thought it might be cool to try, seen everyone else doing it, and my cousin wanted to try it.

3. Yes.

4. Yea, but I only did it a couple times (i was stupid)

5. I've quit and on occassion (when im angry) I'll pick one up but not normally.

6. Dont do it.
Reply:1. 9yrs old (casual) 12yrs old (regularly)

2. The image it portrayed (coolness back then) and death.

3. Advertisements mostly and a slightly older relative.

4. I knew about alot of it but everyone smoked around me so I figured I already had or was going to get cancer and die.

5. I quit when I was pregnant with my daughter for 10mos and then I started again. I've tried every now and then but only succeeded for a few hours or days. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to quit and I was always afraid I'd get fat quelshing the hand-to-mouth motion I was accustomed to.

6. I'd tell teenagers never to start. It disgusts me now but it's still so difficult for me to quit. I've heard it's harder to quit than crack/coke. It smells, smokers stink, it grosses people out and who knows, that hottie yer grinding on might find it utterly nauseating! It impacts your finances, your social life, your health....your life! Gawd, I wish I had never been so stupid as to start. A decade of my life wasted.

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