Thursday, May 20, 2010

I have to conduct a survey with these questions for school?

I have to conduct a survey with these questions for school. I need answers from three adults and three people under eighteen. I know it's long but I would really appreciate the help!

What are the qualities of a good friend? What do you want and need from a friend? What are you willing to give a friend? Write at least five qualities.

What are the qualities of a good neighbor? How is being a good friend related to being a good neighbor? Is there a relationship between the two? Explain your answer.

ow does being a good neighbor relate to being a good citizen? Is it possible to obey all the laws but still not be a responsible citizen? Is it possible to break the law but still be a good citizen? Don’t just answer “yes” or “no.” Explain your answers.

What are the qualities of a good citizen? In your response, consider how good citizenship is expressed in all eight of these areas: family, laws, religion, education, environment, local community, humankind and government.

I have to conduct a survey with these questions for school?
Di you have a family, relatives whom you can ask?

Are you active in some church, where you can ask there?

How about asking other teachers than the one who assigned this?

A good friend is someone who

* respects my values;

* I can feel at home with;

* will help me out when I have a crisis, without giving me a hard time

* we do stuff for each other because we like doing stuff for each other, never try to balance the books ... one owes other more ... we just help each other out on a continuing basis

A good neighbor is similar to a good friend but the relationship includes stuff related to our homes

* a delivery arrives when one of us is not home, we accept for the other, see it gets delivered

* we honor each other's property

* we watch out for each other, our kids, our property

A person who destroys our property is not a good neighbor

A person who has a dog who poops in our yard, that is not a good neighbor

A good citizen is someone who

* obeys both the letter and the spirit of the laws

* behaves in a responsible manner towards fellow citizenry

* reports crimes when is a witness, takes action to try to help people in trouble

* participates in some way with respect to non-governmental charitable activities, either / or both ... donations like to charity, the Red Cross ... and volunteering some of one's own time to good works
Reply:Good is a relative term.

We have only five days left to defend a free and open Internet

at the FCC. The agency needs to hear from you about Net

Neutrality -- the principle that stops AT%26amp;T, Verizon and Comcast

from controlling where you can go online.

Thousands of people have already told their stories (see below)

urging the FCC to protect Net Neutrality. Now it's your turn:

Tell the FCC to Save the Internet:

You need to act now before the FCC closes its comment period. If

we flood them with comments in support of Net Neutrality, the

FCC will be pressed to stand up to the giant phone and cable

companies that seek to undermine free choice on the Web.

Pass this on please.
Reply:1. Qualities of a friend, loyalty, honest %26amp; will be there for you in times of need.

2. Want and need from a friend: The above answer.

3. Willing to give? Loyalty, honesty, kindness, be a good listener %26amp; give good advice

4. Qualities of a good neighbor, friendly %26amp; someone who watches out for your home.

5. Diff between the two: One is more personal than the other

6. Citizen %26amp; neighbor; A good citizen cares about the welfare of the community as a whole. A good neighbor is something on a much smaller scale. You know, only the block.

7. Obeying the laws, yes, you can obey all the laws and still not be a responsible citizen by NOT voting. By not voting, it shows you care nothing about the welfare of your family or the citizens..

8. You can break the law if it means standing up for what you believe in. You can do this and not hurt others. Such as what protesters sometimes do. They get thrown in jail for opposing the war. Maybe they are standing where it is against the law to stand or going to an office they are not allowed to be in.

9. A good citizen cares about his friends, neighbors, the community, his country and ALSO is aware of what is going on around the world and not just his own backyard. A good citizen pays attention to what his government is doing because this government represents him/her. A good citizen does not stick his head and the ground and pretend that everything is great when people are suffering in his own country or abroad.

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