Monday, May 24, 2010

If you took a survey, which one would you expect to see on it?

1) Would you agree that illegal aliens that have grown roots in the United States should have a path to citizenship?


2) Would you agree that illegal aliens that have grown roots in the United States should have a path to citizenship and you continue to financially support them with state benefits, medical, bilingual education, allow them to further thier objectives to change laws including civil rights to thier benefit above others including minorities, including their friends and relatives they will sponsor to come here as they could as they'd be American citizens?

Which do you think they used? If you've taking a survey with this question, what was your response?

If you took a survey, which one would you expect to see on it?
They (the pollsters) would use number 1....very misleading......this is how they get people.
Reply:#2 all the way, at least in my area, they are very straight forward.
Reply:C) go home and apply for legal status from there.
Reply:#2 isn't a question, it's explaining the growth process... ...

Sounds more to me like these questions come from someone upset (or racist) BUT...

History shows that US was basically founded by "illegal aliens" so... I actually would hope NOT to see either question.
Reply:I pick deport!
Reply:i vote for you to be deported...does that make sense?
Reply:I'll go with deportation
Reply:I's expect to see #1 on the survey.

#2 is more accurate.

That was your point, wasn't it?
Reply:I've answered numerous polls on the subject(lots from Zogby) and it's always phrased like#1. The ones from the Pew Hispanic Center, the ones that are supposed to be "unbiased", are the real joke.
Reply:Depends on who is conducting the survey of course ..:) But #1 is the favored format I'd say ... a lot of surveys are paid for by special interest groups in any case, so finding out what people REALLY think of an issue isn't as easy as all that ...
Reply:door #1
Reply:i wanna be BrothaMan's milkshake

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