Monday, May 24, 2010

Polls and Surveys friends: If you pray will you please pray for my niece?

Her ex-husband and 3 year old son were killed in a car accident last night. Their daughter who was also in the accident was scraped up pretty bad but got out of the hospital today. Sometimes life is just so unfair.

Polls and Surveys friends: If you pray will you please pray for my niece?
Father in the name of Jesus Christ i approach your throne, to petition for the comfort for those who have been affect by this ordeal. Lord you too have suffered the loss of a Son and therefore understand what the niece of icunurse85 is going through. I pray that you will comfort her spirit at this time as she seek for answers that only you can give to her. Father their daughter too must be terrified because of what she went through and needs your gentle touch. I pray for strength at this time as they grieve the loss of those so dear to them. Father I pray tha you will send the words that will comfort them and the shoulder they need yp cry on. Teach them Lord to trust you through all this, like Job who remained faithful. I put them in you caring hands Lord and leave them tp you, in Jesus name. Amen

† Dvoted2Jesus Prayer Warrior †
Reply:Yes, I will

and my heart goes out to you all.

I know this must be a terribly difficult time for you, but please try not to have the "life is so unfair" attitude around your neice...

She needs you to be stronger than that right now.

May God bless and keep you all, may the deceased find rest.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Matthew 19:14 NIV
Reply:OK !

they have been granted passage into heaven . Neices husband thought he was tough ****, but I convinced the punk to go now .

You know, you give someone a free ticket to heaven and you'd think they'd say " YES!" , but NO !! I have to convince them to go .

What is wrong with people ?

Anyhoo, he and the little one are in heaven now .

P.S. you got a message ..." jaime is Ok "
Reply:consider it done my friend and my thoughts and prayers are with you and you niece and her family no life is not fair sometimes their are no words to make you or your family feel better just take this slow and love your family with al l your heart
Reply:Roscoe, Always and Sue are all joining forces to send positive spiritual energy their way, comfort and healing for those poor broken hearts.

Yes, life does seem terribly unfair at times, and it's okay to feel this way.

Love, Roscoe
Reply:Dear God, how ghastly! I'll pray for her AND the ones hurt and killed in that dreadful accident. I'll also pray for you to have to strength to help console your niece.
Reply:Just ask and it is done. I am so sorry for your loss and will hold you, your niece, and her daughter and your mother up in prayer. God bless you all.
Reply:Of course I will pray for her and for the family.

I pray that you can find the extra strength you will be needing to comfort her at this very sad time and in the difficult coming months ahead.

God bless.
Reply:oh... she's in my prayer... i just hope she'll get out of this in a healthy way... i wish all the support she could possibly get... i wish the best of recoveries for the daughter too... may they find peace and love together...
Reply:I will. I'm sorry to hear of this and wish there is some comfort I could bring, but the best I can do is say a prayer for you all and put it in God's hands.
Reply:How terrible! I will hold your family, your niece and her daughter up in prayer. I know it's hard to see it right now, but God loves you all and is in control.
Reply:So sorry this is so sad! Sure will pray for them and you. Life can be so hard we all need people who care and our faith.

Bless you.
Reply:im so sorry, with my depest regards and sympathy i will pray for those involved. life is not perfect by any means otherwise it would be called heaven, but things will be ok.

God bless

keep the faith
Reply:I am now, that is awful...the loss of a child and any life cut short is a horrible thing to deal with. I pray her daughter heals fast as well
Reply:Awww, I feel bad for your niece, I will pray for all of you.
Reply:Will do, IcuNurse. That's a horrible thing. My condolences and best wishes.
Reply:Oh that is so terrible! I'm sorry to hear that and will pray for the familys involved right now.
Reply:What a wonderful prayer chain you have going here!
Reply:I'm sorry to hear that. I will definately include your entire family in my prayers.
Reply:I will! May the Lord be with her in the coming weeks (:
Reply:I already did.
Reply:So sorry to hear that. She will be in my prayers. Life doesn't always make a lot of sense.
Reply:Sure thing honey! Stay strong!
Reply:Sorry to hear about the bad news - my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Reply:Done..God bless
Reply:I Will...........................! Hold on .........!
Reply:Am praying.
Reply:She's on my mental prayer list. God bless her.
Reply:I don't pray regularly but, this will be one of My exceptions. I am very sorry to hear of Her and, Your loss.
Reply:I sure will

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