Monday, May 24, 2010

I have to do a survey about how many people have self harm will u please answer this?

I and my friend Harley We have to take notes on self-harm for health class

1-how old were u when u started?

2-How old were u when u stoped?

3-Y did u start what happened?

4-How did some people act when they found out

PS if number 3 is to personal then don't answer it. This is just some home work.

I have to do a survey about how many people have self harm will u please answer this?
1. I started when I was 11.

2. I did stop for a little over a year when I was 19 and than started up again a few weeks ago (at 21)

3. I had actually never herd of cutting when I started. I was mad one day and I kind of did on accident and like the way it felt. I thought I was the only one for like a couple of years. I think I started because of a lot of built up anger that I did not release. Than family problems and abuse. Then I would do it and dissoicate and not relize what I was doing. That's what gets me into trouble. Cutting to deep I mean.

4. It really depends on the person. Most people just don't understand so they just ask questions. Others are supportive and some say it's "emo" or dumb. Than others are indifferent. It's not something I really tell people. I mean they can see that I have scares when I wear t shirts but you would be suprised at how many people either don't comment. don't connect it or just don't comment. Some people will ask what happend to your arm if I don't want to go into it I usually say I don't know. You would be suprised at how many people will just let it go. I guess they get the message. lol.

5. I don't like when people say it's emo or when people assume things about cutting. Here are 10 most common myths about cutting. I got from a really good website:


The wound isn't "that bad", therefore the problem isn't that serious.

Wrong! You can't judge the seriousness of a person's emotional distress by the severity of a self-inflicted cut or wound.

People who self-injure are whacko and should be checked into a mental institution.

Wrong! Self-injury is a result of overpowering emotions and loss of control. Placing someone who feels that way in an institution could make matters worse.

People who self-harm are just trying to get attention.

Wrong! Self-injurers may NEED attention but they aren't hurting themselves FOR attention. In fact, most people who self-injure try to hide their wounds and scars.

Talk it out:

» "teen cutters"

» "self injery"

Self-injurers are just trying to manipulate others -- such as parents, boyfriends or girlfriends.

Wrong! Some may use self-injury as a form of manipulation, but most don't. If you think someone is self-injuring themselves to get your attention, try and focus on what it is they want and assist him or her in getting help -- if possible, involve a trusted adult and/or health professional.

Self-harmers pose a danger to others.

Wrong! Self-harm is a private activity. It's not about the effect on others.

People who self-harm do not feel the pain

Wrong! For some, pain may not be felt immediately, during the actual process of self-injury, but they definitely feel pain afterward.

Self-Injury is a personality disorder.

Wrong! Self-injury is not something you are diagnosed with by a doctor. However, self-harm is often a condition of someone with a personality disorder. But not all people with a personality disorder self-harm and vice-versa.

Only teenage girls self-injure.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! All sorts of people feel out of control sometimes and don't know how to cope.

Self-injury is a suicide attempt gone wrong.

Wrong! People who self-injure are not attempting suicide. They are using self-injury as a way to deal with difficult, overwhelming emotions.

There is nothing you can do to help a self-injurer. They need more than your friendship, they need professional help.

TOTALLY WRONG! Yes people who self-injure should seek professional help but read NOISEmaker lonelychic's story and learn how a good friend can make all the difference in the world.
Reply:1-I was 15

2-I stopped that same year, but pick it up every time I have a severe depressive episode. It's a bad habit to pick up--it's terribly hard to stop and it can come back to haunt you whenever you're down.

3-The first time was my first Major Depressive episode, which actually happened because I broke up with my first little love (sad, but true...I was 15). The second time was just a few weeks ago, when I was at my very lowest in my life for no apparent reason (the reasons were psychological and chemical imbalances in my brain, but I didn't know that at the time).

4- I've only told one person, and that's my current boyfriend. He was amazingly supportive, looked up information on the internet about it, and urged me to do things that would make me stop.

5- I hate the 'emo' connotation as well. Once, in high school, when I was just sitting in class, a person saw a huge cut that I was trying to hide under my shirt. He automatically looked at me and said loudly, "What, are you in some kind of piece of **** emo club or something? Do you and Gina (my best friend at the time) get together and cut yourselves to feel sorry about your 'terrible' life?" It was awful for a 15 year old to experience, as you can imagine, and the stigma that 'emo' has attached to it is SO derogatory.
Reply:1. 13-14 years old,


3.With the onset of adolescent depression and bullying at school, I used cutting as a distraction for severe mental pain. Cutting to cause relief from mental pain is called disassociation.

4. My mum didn't find out til I was 19 because I cut my feet so no-one could see and when she did, she asked me why I did and asked what she could do to support me and help me get well. When I was 17, my psychiatrist explained why I did it and helped me learn better ways of dealing with my depression. My friends knew in school but didn't say anything to anyone because I asked them not too.
Reply:1) i was 16 when i started

2) i am 30 now and am recovering but i wouldn't go so far as to say that i have stopped. i haven't had an incident in a month and a half

3) i knew that i didn't feel happy and like i was supposed to so i started by beating on my upper legs and would leave bruises that were the size of my head and for some reason that seemed to feel better than what i was going through, and as i got older i just never really stopped.

4) most people did not find out until just recently that i did this. they found out when i beat my arm with a maglite and almost broke it. when they did they wanted to get me help and so did i

5) i too hate the word emo. it just makes me mad. so if we are emo what are they, heartless jerks who have no problems what so ever. we should call them nopoos

hope this helps and good luck with your home work
Reply:1. I was 13 years old

2. I still do it once in awhile

3. Life in general sucked and my mom and dad got divorced

4. They sent me to a psych ward for a few weeks

5. I hate the way people look at me during first impressions when they see the scars

shoe labels

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