Monday, May 24, 2010

SURVEY: Friend or Foe...?

#1 If some random person walked up to you %26amp; said hi, would you...

a) Give them a friendly smile %26amp; say hi back

b) Give them a quick wave then walk away

c) Give them a dirty look %26amp; tell them to go away

#2 If you broke up w/ your x-friend %26amp; they tried to apologize, would you...

a) Forgive them %26amp; become friends again

b) Forgive them but not be there friend again

c) Would not forgive them %26amp; never be there friend

#3 If you found out that your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you, would you...

a) Tell them that people make mistakes %26amp; still be in a relationship w/ them.

b) Just walk away %26amp; move on.

c) Get angry %26amp; tell them that the relationship is over.

#4 If a hair stylist didn't do your hair they want you wanted, would you...

a) Be okay w/ it %26amp; try to make the look work for you.

b) Let them know your not happy w/ it but you'd deal with it.

c) Tell them to fix or else.

#5 If you were wearing your favorite outfit %26amp; somebody acidently spilled a drink on it, would you..

SURVEY: Friend or Foe...?
#1 (a) Give them a friendly smile and say hi back

#2 (a) Forgive them and become friends again. Only if I knew their apology was sincere and they would never treat me or do whatever they did.

#3 (b) Just walk away and move on. I shouldn't waste my breath on them. They did what they did and I can't erase it.

#4 (b) Let them know your not happy w/ it but you'd deal with it.

#5 I would be really pissed off, then cool down and then realize, there is always stain removers.
Reply:1) a




5)Wipe it off and say, "I hope this does not leave a stain"

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