Thursday, May 20, 2010

Will you check out my political blog and take my survey?

My friend and I started a political blog and I have a ten question survey, it's really easy! And if you want you can read our thoughts!

Will you check out my political blog and take my survey?
Reply:1. Should the US pull out of Iraq or stay, not matter how long it takes?


2. Should taxes be raised in order to stabilize our economy?


3. What issue is most important to you, personally?


4. Which issue do you believe is the most immediate problem the country is facing?


5. Clinton or Obama?


6. Who do you believe was the best president in your life time?


7. If you were running the Country what would be the first thing you would change?


8. What is your favorite political scandal?


9. Are you liberal or conservative?


10. What would you like me to discuss on my blog?

BILL AND MONICA (just kidding)

... and I think your blog is great!

EDIT: Brandon A (below), you are spouting BS. No? Then give me an example to back up your statement: "The adult stem cells have produced great results leading to many new discoveries and treatments."
Reply:what...we are in the worst housing/economy crises since the great depression and you people think raising taxes wont do any more harm. everything Dumbocrats stand for is based on raising taxes.....they always lie and say they wont, but they always do....they have to in order to give out all the freebies that the dumbs love. you can blame repubs for low taxes on rich....but theyve also been the lowest EVER for average/middle/and poor thats just ignorant.

The Barack Obama Double Standard

March 17, 2008

Imagine in 1999, that a videotape had come to light showing the pastor of Texas Gov. George W. Bush's church making vicious, hateful comments about America and cruel, racist statements about Americans of color.

Suppose this preacher had given a lifetime achievement award to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, and had traveled to Europe with Duke to meet with neo-Nazi terrorists.

Now try to envision that the candidate's family had attended this church for more than twenty years, that George and Laura Bush had been married there, by this pastor, and that the Bush daughters had been baptized by him.

Picture George Bush titling his autobiography after a phrase in one of this minister's sermons, writing that the man was his mentor, and then putting him on the presidential campaign staff as a trusted advisor and confidant.

Say it came to light that for several years George W. Bush had been friends with Eric Rudolph, the notorious Olympic Park bomber and anti-abortion terrorist. Furthermore, let's suppose that Bush had remained friends with Rudolph over the years and still considered him a colleague today.

Now imagine Laura Bush, on the campaign trail for her husband, telling supporters and the national media that America is "mean" and that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country.

Is there a doubt that Republican officeholders would have run from the Bush campaign like rats from a burning barn, that he would have become the political leper of the 2000 campaign? And what about the media? They virtually crucified candidate Bush that year for daring to give a speech at Bob Jones University, which had once banned interracial dating. I cannot imagine the field day they would have had with something like this.

And yet excuses are made for Barack Obama, who now finds himself in exactly this situation. Obama's pastor of more than two decades - the man who married Barack and Michelle Obama, who christened their daughters, who inspired the title of the candidate's book, "The Audacity of Hope," - is now at the center of a storm that would have destroyed the candidacy of any Republican the day the story broke.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for the last 36 years, has been caught on tape denouncing the United States and the white race in terms that should shock and disgust every thinking American. Wright and the church swear allegiance to the "mother country" - Africa. (Presumably this includes the Obama family.)

Rather than trying to infuse his congregation with hope and encouragement, Wright poisons them with vitriol about how the U.S. government has tried to commit genocide against the black community using drugs and the AIDS virus as weapons of choice.

"Don't say God bless America," Wright screams in one sermon. "God damn America!"

Wright, representing the church, bestowed a lifetime achievement award on Louis Farrakhan, the racist leader of the Nation of Islam. In the 1980s, Wright traveled to Libya with Farrakhan to meet with Muammar Gaddafi.

AND THERE IS MORE.....;hl=...;hl=...
Reply:First if you want to take a survey there are a couple of things you should do. Number one make it possible for someone to actually take the survey.

Two don't fill the page with your rants

And third get your facts correct. They do not any longer need embryonic stem cells. They can make all they want without destroying an embryo. Also they never made any kind of breakthrough with those cells anyway. The adult stem cells have produced great results leading to many new discoveries and treatments. Being a liberal you are more worried about getting to kill an unborn child than you are to check your facts though.
Reply:ok, i checked it out.

i wont take your survey.

i'm not interested in your thoughts.
Reply:1. Should the US pull out of Iraq or stay, no matter how long it takes?

- 2 extreme choices but i'll go with the 2nd

2. Should taxes be raised in order to stabilize our economy?

- NO

3. What issue is most important to you, personally?

- Economy

4. Which issue do you believe is the most immediate problem the country is facing?

- Economy

5. Clinton or Obama?

- Niether

6. Who do you believe was the best president in your life time?

- not old enough to say reagan and since then they were all pretty bad

7. If you were running the Country what would be the first thing you would change?

- Tax System

8. What is your favorite political scandal?

- Spitzer and his whole mess is pretty funny

9. Are you liberal or conservative?

- Free Market Capitalist

10. What would you like me to discuss on my blog?

- views of political candidate (compare/contrast)

i have to say i dont agree with anything on you're blog but I cant blame you for writing it. good luck, hope it gets some views

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