Thursday, May 20, 2010

I don't hang out with any friends outside of school is that unsual?

Since it's not like I'm going to go up to people in reality and give this survey to them I'll just remain anonymous here and see how many of you do the same as me...

Don't talk on the phone with friends either. I only have 1 friends email address from school but I don't email him that often.

I don't hang out with any friends outside of school is that unsual?
There are a lot of considerations to this. What's your age? Are you involved with any clubs or organizations outside of school?

My daughter is almost 13, and she has the phone # of one friend, and email addys for 2 or 3 others, but thats about it. She has lived here all her life and has tons of friends at school. She's just not into the whole calling/emailing/texting thing.

Be yourself...don't worry about what everyone else does. If you are just a quiet person who likes a little privacy, it's cool. As long as you DO socialize some at school, then its all good.
Reply:i pretty much do the same thing.

i have a few of my friends s//ns, but i only talk to them when i get the chance, and even when i do, its more like we say hi then 10 minutes later she signs off.
Reply:yea, im 14. I don't call people or 'hang out'.

I am sort of the genius lone wolf sort of person.

I really don't talk to people out of my 'social class' at school. They all hate me.
Reply:No, I hated people at my school. I had friends from other high schools that I saw maybe once or twice a year. I usually just liked to meet people for a few minutes at sporting events that I competed in.
Reply:is your butt fused to the couch?

go out! have fun

you should join a youth group, that way you don't have to call your friends and go through the hassle of making plans, you just go =)
Reply:thts not tht weird. untill recently i almost never did anythung outside of skool with friedns. eventually u probbally will
Reply:i wanna go out but im not even allowed. not fair. im not even allowed to go to the park. i go straight home.
Reply:same here-in fact i talk to neighbor kids and old friends from middle school much more than i talk to friends at high school
Reply:I hated people at my school so now im homeschooled now i have 1 friend and she sucks
Reply:everyones different.

but i hang out with my friends on the weekend.

Reply:Cool, I'm not the only one. =]
Reply:I'm not that way. I love being with friends. Maybe you're just anti-social. Some people are that way.
Reply:im the same way. its normal
Reply:me too.
Reply:i do the same
Reply:yay, more people like me

shoe trees

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