Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey: Your Y!A "About Me" section should be informative if you want to attract friends. Agree or Disagree??

Feel free to elaborate.

Survey: Your Y!A "About Me" section should be informative if you want to attract friends. Agree or Disagree??
I, for one, completely agree.

I have met some of the most wonderful people here who read my profile and then emailed me to ask me if they could add me as a contact just because of what my profile said. When someone gives an answer that intrigues me and I go to read their profile that contains ... nothing - it bums me out! It would be nice to know a bit about that person.

I have also added people due to their profile being totally hilarious or charming. I would never seek to add someone who had a blank profile and left neither a contact email or IM. Why bother? If I want to get to know someone or have them as a contact I want to know at least a bit about them!

Of course, if they had some really freakish or weird picture with say ... "pop out eyeballs" or "reindeer antlers and a huge red nose" I'd stay as far away from them as possible ...


I already have you as a friend don't I?

Good thing you had something funny to say on your profile that day!!


Christmas peace Rudolph!

Reply:Awwww .. thanks T-man! I feel the same about you ... for sure! I did note the "IF" ... I tend to pay close attention when answering questions! Strange isn't it? lol That must be why all the "typos" drive me nutty! Peace. =) Report Abuse

Reply:No just give them a little and they want more.
Reply:I suppose it does help me when deciding whether or not to add someone as a contact....but I never used to have very much on mine....and it didn't seem to deter people from becoming my fans. I do have more on there now than I used to....I guess I couldn't think of what to say about myself at first!
Reply:never thought to much about that i love browsing and

i might have added several but as company one can handle so much as they are in my e-mail and i can only handle so much

as my mail box is so crowded it takes awhile to delete allot

ta to consider those whom are more important like a mail to a friend or those close by that you communicate with

other wise i know where to find or meet up with them

no problem i arrange what i have too

No I try my best as you would do

feel for sweet potato with lemon brown sugar and syrup


no preference agree or disagree

Reply:Agree. Except if it is about me, then I am an exception to the rule. I don't have to much interesting or informative to say about myself. Ha
Reply:I took your advise and updated mine... I love making friends but I'm afraid to invite in fear of inviting a troll LOL
Reply:Agree for the friends, but disagree because it might attract trolls too.
Reply:I dunno mines empty at the mo, but all it use to say was ...Faith Trust and pixie nice or ill poke ya with my wand!

Reply:Sure, I guess. I don't even know what mine says.
Reply:Well if you want to attract "friends" sometimes means different things to different people. I'm interesting in meeting new friends, but not interested in guys who want to try to date me, I'm married, but I'm open to friends. As a female, you might have to be more discretionary.
Reply:i agree
Reply:Whoo-hoo. Internet email friends. Friends half a continent away who I will never, ever be able to meet in person and give all of these stupid styrofoam packing peanuts to!
Reply:no, my question or answers should bring contacts. that shows my personality not an about me write up. I don't have to tell you anything about myself.
Reply:I concur completely. And on my "about me" I just tell a little about myself and then what I would request from anyone wanting to contact me. If they cannot abide by my polite requests, oh well. Then I KNOW what kind of "friend" they are.
Reply:I don't understand your question. made me think...your question, I mean. But I think that it's not that important, what you say about yourself. They will see your way of thinking, the way you are, by answering your questions, reading your answers sending e-mails...
Reply:Confession: I didn't notice how to add info there.
Reply:My YA "About Me" page should be blank to deter predators.
Reply:Yes, if that is your motivation for being on Y!A. You should also create a 360 page and invite people to view it. You might also want to allow IM as well.

For me, my motivation for being on Y!A isn't really to make friends. I hope I truly do help people in the other categories that I answer questions in. I come to P%26amp;S purely for the enjoyment. I have to admit I have met some wonderful people here and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Best wishes!
Reply:Not necessarily. For a long time, I had nothing in that section on my old account but people were still adding me as contacts, becoming a fan, simply because they liked my questions and answers.
Reply:No -- I only want to scare as many people away as I possibly can ....

Reply:I agree. If you don't want friends just say so.If you want friends tell something about yourself .If someone likes your profile,your more likely to get more friends or contacts.
Reply:agree in a way, but really I have filled it out so many times there is not much more about me I can put there unless you think I should keep a bathroom diary goin' on it
Reply:ughh what were you thinking?!
Reply:i don't think it matters... sure, it can help you get friends, but conversely, if you put information about yourself, it can just as easily turn somebody off... like if i said... "i enjoy House M.D." and a person who absolutely hates that show but would totally like me otherwise see's that and decides not to look at my 360...

additionally, you're gonna hook new friends with your Q%26amp;A anyway, so i don't think the "about me" section is too important...
Reply:mine is apparently to informative. stalkers ugg. yes i agree you should have info on yourself so people can see what type of person you are. whether you have any common interests or not.
Reply:Well, you'll attract something. Not sure if it will be friends.
Reply:I'd report you for your ridiculous horns, but I can't be errsed.

This is neither a chat room nor a place to make friends, but I'll check your profile, Rudolf, and will probably agree with your comment.
Reply:Well, I am a private person, I don't want anyone to come between me and my fruitcake snail. But I do enjoy getting new contacts, that is always a good thing. =)
Reply:Interesting queston. I must confess that I don't usually read them. I add contacts on the basis of their questions answers. I did however just read yours. Damnit. I did not know you were married. My luck. LOL.

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